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4 trends for healthcare 2019

4 Trends in Healthcare for 2019

Healthcare can be confusing, especially when trends change rapidly with advancements in science and technology and government regulations.

Value-Based Care:

In a value-based system, providers, hospitals, and physicians are paid based on their patient’s health outcomes, rather than how many patients they see or how many hours they log. Health outcomes are measured in factors such as improvement in overall health, reduced diagnoses of chronic diseases and the ability to live independently at home.

The Aging Wave:

The Census Bureau projects that in 2034, for the first time, people 65 and older will outnumber those under 18. Additionally, Medicare enrollment is expected to increase by nearly 50 percent, rising from 54 million today to more than 80 million in 2030. This aging wave creates multiple ripples, starting with the healthcare needs of seniors who are increasingly living with one or more chronic condition that requires long-term care in a healthcare facility or at home. It also impacts spouses or adult children who take on the often-full-time role of providing or coordinating care, which can leave them facing caregiver burnout as they continue to work or raise their children.

Silver Structure:

We’ve been hearing about designing green for years to make sure facilities are energy efficient and cost-effective. However, adults over the age of 74 had the highest rate of hospital stays in 2014, followed by people in their late 60s and early 70s, so it makes a great deal of sense to shift to what is being referred to as “silver architecture.” These designs help improve quality of life and independence for an aging population and are well-lit, quiet, accessible and safe to navigate for assistive devices like wheelchairs and walkers.

Patients Engaging:

Studies show that people who are more involved in decisions about their care plan see better health outcomes. However, these people are generally more satisfied with their care as well, which can be a significant advantage to healthcare providers who rely on online reviews to inform potential patients and families to choose care with them. In 2019, expect to see more engagement programs, apps and technology, and health literacy initiatives that aim to educate people on their condition and care.

would you like to be a respected leader

Would you like to be a respected leader?

How to act like a respected leader?

Not sharing how we’ve failed (and talking up our accomplishments too much) triggers something decidedly not good in peers.

This envy creates dysfunctional behavior as peers, or even direct reports, seek to tear down and undermine the successful leader. It also causes employees to behave less and disrupts a sense of teamwork.

Obtaining respect as a leader is difficult enough to accomplish. So why would we jeopardize it once we reach it? Unwittingly we do just that when we withhold or try to bury one thing about ourselves in particular–our failures.

When an employee hears a leader talking about their mistakes, it can induce empathy where the employees feel that the leader deserves their success, and they feel inspired to improve their performance. So there’s a better way forward than burying your blemishes.

What does it mean to be a respected leader?

If you’re highly successful, your achievements are apparent. It’s more novel and inspiring for others to learn about your mistakes. What’s exciting about this is that we’re trying to chip away at the resentment that comes with envy and move people toward admiration instead. One way to do that is to acknowledge your struggles or shortcomings.

Raise your hand if you’d prefer admiration over envy?